What the Heck
Greeting Cards, History Rebecca Tillett Greeting Cards, History Rebecca Tillett

What the Heck

The What the Heck card series is an homage to Johann Georg Heck, the German artist behind the lithographs used from his 1849 book, Bilder-Atlas zum Conversations-Lexicon: Ikonographische Encyklopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste.

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The human + animal bond
Greeting Cards, Personal Rebecca Tillett Greeting Cards, Personal Rebecca Tillett

The human + animal bond

The day after Christmas of 2017 I had to put my kitty, Blue to sleep. He was in kidney failure and had gone downhill fast the week prior. A quick trip to my vet confirmed he was nearing the end and it was time. So I scheduled a vet to come to my place the day after Christmas the following week so he could pass in the comfort of his own home. I couldn’t get through that call without bawling.

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No womb. No gloom.
Greeting Cards Rebecca Tillett Greeting Cards Rebecca Tillett

No womb. No gloom.

But as you may have seen me post here before, women were not often portrayed in historical anatomical paintings, drawings, studies and illustrations unless it was in the context of pregnancy and childbirth. (It was assumed that females were otherwise identical to males. Thus the commonly held view was that the anatomy of females was only important as it related to bearing children; maddeningly, little has progressed in this regard—a rant for another day.)

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Greeting Cards Rebecca Tillett Greeting Cards Rebecca Tillett


I know this is ultimately how it works, though; people coming and going, many never meant to stay for good. But fuck, it gets harder the older we get, doesn’t it? Because the body count just keeps rising. it also gets harder to make new friends as we get older—or we just don’t have the time or the energy required to build new friendships…meanwhile, many of our older friendships are winding down.

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