Touch Grass
Touch Grass postcard and mini print
Do you ever stumble on a process video in your instagram feed and you’re like, oh ok, I’m interested, I’ll stop. And so you cash in a few minutes of your time because now you’re invested and curious af about what this thing will be and look like in the end, and then you see the final product and think, well shit, meh. Wish I could have previewed this before I wasted a few of my precious minutes watching something being created that I’m not really into. Instant regret. Lmao*
*By the way: I feel awkward using the acronym “lmao” only because that was one of those first internet generation acronyms I used often as a teenager online in the 90s but then somewhere along the way it seemingly fell out of fashion for a while? And now the kids have brought it back but I’m like, are they using it ironically? Sincerely? Only in certain contexts?
(Trust me, I’m not overthinking this. I’m fine.)
I’m obviously old. But not too old that I don’t know what touch grass means. And judging by the content of this post, I should probably do more of that.
(Isn’t this Art lovely? It’s from the late 1800s and was painted by Thomas Hill.)