Basic human decency stuff

At a recent expo this year, an attendee attempted to haggle with Mike over one of our most expensive pieces ultimately offering over $100 less than our posted price and then declaring that the materials could not have cost very much at all and that it was clear to him very little work or effort went into the piece (as if he thought making this argument would help his case?)

And at an earlier show this year a customer actually scoffed and rolled her eyes at me when I informed her our mini prints were $5 each.

I’m grateful these are the only two real tasteless interactions we’ve had with customers in the last 3+ years since starting this business. And I don’t prefer to perpetuate or amplify such ridiculous negativity, but I am just so amused by these two experiences and am reminded that humans never fail to surprise the hell out of me with their award-winning audacity.

Unless it’s clearly stated or understood that negotiating or haggling is expected or encouraged, please don’t do this with artists and small business owners who pour their hearts, blood, sweat and tears into their craft and are already not making much money in most cases. Pay attention to your surroundings, if it’s clear you’re not at a yard sale or flea market of any kind, assume the posted price is the price.

And if that price is out of your budget, or you’ve decided the item in question is not worth that price, it wasn’t meant for you. Be kind, extend your gratitude and move along.

You know, easy basic human decency stuff.

To all the rest of you who have come out and supported us and bought our work or shopped online, you are legitimately helping us to keep our home and pay our bills. I wish I had words bigger than Thank You.


Going Stag No. 5


All Storms Now Laid