
I recently a saw an FB status I’d posted like, 14ish years ago in my memories, where I’m claiming I hadn’t “had a drink in 9 days which must be a record that should probably be broken.” I posted a lot of stuff like this. “I’m going to the bar after work! Who’s coming?” I lived in such a great spot, had a shit paycheck but worked with some fun, smart, great people, and I partied. A lot. I spent so much time with the various good friends I made in my 20s. A couple more in my early 30s. It was a blur and a blast. A blurry blast?

There aren’t many from that time I talk to very often anymore. Some, I know why. Some, I don’t. (If you’re a victim of the latter category, it’s agonizing, right?) I know this is ultimately how it works, though; people coming and going, many never meant to stay for good. But fuck, it gets harder the older we get, doesn’t it? Because the body count just keeps rising. it also gets harder to make new friends as we get older—or we just don’t have the time or the energy required to build new friendships…meanwhile, many of our older friendships are winding down.

So, you know.. the friendship replacement rate is not good.

I spend a ample time missing my friends. The still-around ones and the long-gone ones.

So—who are you thinking about as you read this? Maybe ask them to join you for a drink. Or a virtual drink.

(Hopefully they have the time. And the energy. For that. I know I don’t. )


Femina Luna


Surrender Boxes