In my late 20s (2010ish?) I experienced my first migraine which quickly became chronic. I was popping pain pills like candy, always petrified of when the next one would strike. Fortunately for me, I lived in CO at the time and medical cannabis had recently become legal. A coworker made her own canna butter and suggested I try one of her cookies the next time I felt a migraine coming on. Open to trying anything-I did, and was completely flabbergasted at the effective pain relief. I have been a card carrier across two states ever since. Fuck anyone and any government who tries to convince you cannabis is bad or worse: prevent you from accessing this natural and beneficial plant.
A few of the historical reproductions we’ll have for sale at this weekend’s Cowboy Cup here in Tulsa.
Image 1:
The Flora Homoeopathica Plate XV
Illustrations and descriptions of the medicinal plants used as homoeopathic remedies by Edward Hamilton. 1852
Image 2:
Cannaba ceae
Cannabis sativa from ‘Flora von Deutschland’, Österreich und der Schweiz (Flora of Germany, Austria and Switzerland) by Prof. Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thomé. Gera, Germany. 1885
Image 3:
Gebauter Hanf (Garden Hemp)
Arabic words at left appear to be “qinnab bustani” قنب بستاني, “garden hemp” from Der Wiener Dioskurides, The Codex Medicus Graecus by Pedanius Dioscurides. Illustration. Circa 512AD