Blessings abound

Back in 2018 when I found out I was pregnant, I felt like the craziest person in the world—to bring a new soul to this insane, heartbreaking world, to have opened myself up to allowing such a thing to happen. And when my doctor guided the tiniest baby I’ve ever seen out of my body and into my arms I was immediately overwhelmed with both love and guilt and fear. I was crazy. I was. And this world is insane but so is life, isn’t it? Whatever life is, whatever we are and our purpose (if there is one). Maybe this is a simulation and nothing we see and touch is real, maybe there is a God or universal forces of some kind and after this brief stint in physical bodies we exist perpetually as energy in the broader universe or heaven or some place our tiny meaty brains cannot fully comprehend. And so maybe we aren’t creating life, we are just serving as a conduit or channel for the transmission of energy into biological bodies to experience existence in a wildly different way for a very fleeting moment. And if any of that is true, maybe in spite of the hardship and heartbreak, the beauty and blessings really do abound.

The Benediction Dissection series is a series of cards created using historical anatomical imagery paired with modern botanical line art, meant to illicit the beauty of life on this earth in both the physical manifestations of life we see with our eyes, and the love embedded in the relationships between us all.



