Going Stag No. 5

Introducing Going Stag No. 5

Just like the others in this series, I utilized a John Singer Sargent painting to create this one. Going Stag is essentially one big Sargent tribute. I’ve been wanting to use this painting of Miss Elsie Palmer for a while now but her eyes were so striking I didn’t want to obscure them as I did the others.

Going Stag is such a fascinating series. No. 1 is the most popular everywhere but the popularity of the rest seems weirdly dependent on the region of the country. It’s been strange to witness and we never know if we’re bringing too few or too many prints of each one depending on the preferences of that area. No. 4 is ALWAYS the least popular…except in Milwaukee where it sold out?!

Going Stag No. 5

Going Stag series utilizing paintings by John Singer Sargent


No womb. No gloom.


Basic human decency stuff