Grave Hunting
Our newest hobby: going for cemetery walks while looking for graves of notable humans.
Today: Sam Kinison and Leon Russell at Memorial Park Cemetery in Tulsa!
Sam’s was hard to find because it’s just a headstone, nothing fancy. We were walking and looking for quite a while before we realized has the exact map coordinates on his grave page and if you put it in Maps it’ll take you right to it. It appears he’s buried next to his father and grandfather as well as a brother. It’s bananas his grave is so unassuming considering his level of celebrity for a minute there. Just shows what kind of guy he was.
The epitaph on Russell’s piano shaped headstone reads:
And when my life is over
Remember when we were together
We were alone and I was singing this song for you
The epitaph on Kinison’s small marker reads:
In another time and place he would have been called a prophet