Hangry postcard and mini-print
This is the kinda shit I create when Mike and I are working 70ish hour weeks. But you know, maybe let’s not pretend this ain’t accurate.
In related news: I tend to look up this painting every few years or so. It’s one of the creepiest things I’ve ever seen and it always captivates me. I showed it to my mom last weekend who promptly said, “Oh, I don’t think this man had a very happy life.” 😬
This was painted around 1820 near Madrid by Francisco Goya and called Saturn Devouring His Son. It was actually painted on one of the walls of his home at the time and later transferred to canvas after his death. It is typically interpreted as Goya’s depiction of the Greek myth of the Titan Cronus (Saturn in Roman Mythology) eating one of his children. This was one of 14 incredibly haunting paintings he painted on the interior walls of his home, which are now known as the Black Paintings.
Fun fact: he never actually named these works and the titles were attributed after his death. It is assumed that they were never intended for public display. Can you imagine walking around your own home and living alongside scenes like this? Hardcore. The original is 56” x 32” big.