Thank you
Personal Rebecca Tillett Personal Rebecca Tillett

Thank you

We didn’t want this year to slip by without taking a minute to let you all know how incredibly grateful we are for our family, friends and supporters who have all helped to sustain us throughout this year, our first year as fully self-employed artists and business owners, which has been anything but easy.

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The Parisian and tattoos
Photo Collage, Personal Rebecca Tillett Photo Collage, Personal Rebecca Tillett

The Parisian and tattoos

I don’t think I waited long past my 18th birthday when I got my first tattoo. And I was so eager I didn’t even care what it was. I remember going to the shop and picking something off their wall. And it was a small mediocre fairy I got on my lower stomach.

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The human + animal bond
Greeting Cards, Personal Rebecca Tillett Greeting Cards, Personal Rebecca Tillett

The human + animal bond

The day after Christmas of 2017 I had to put my kitty, Blue to sleep. He was in kidney failure and had gone downhill fast the week prior. A quick trip to my vet confirmed he was nearing the end and it was time. So I scheduled a vet to come to my place the day after Christmas the following week so he could pass in the comfort of his own home. I couldn’t get through that call without bawling.

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Personal, Rant Rebecca Tillett Personal, Rant Rebecca Tillett

Basic human decency stuff

I’m grateful these are the only two real tasteless interactions we’ve had with customers in the last 3+ years since starting this business. And I don’t prefer to perpetuate or amplify such ridiculous negativity, but I am just so amused by these two experiences and am reminded that humans never fail to surprise the hell out of me with their award-winning audacity.

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Femina Luna
Art Collage, Personal Rebecca Tillett Art Collage, Personal Rebecca Tillett

Femina Luna

About a month ago my daughter was painting with watercolors and painted a moon with flowers growing out of it (with a little help from me on the moon). When I saw it, one of my first thoughts was, ohh, I wanna create my own version of this.

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Divorce and Break-Ups
greeting cards, Personal Rebecca Tillett greeting cards, Personal Rebecca Tillett

Divorce and Break-Ups

10.5 years ago I ended a 7 year marriage/14 year relationship. It was one of the hardest and scariest things I have ever done and even though deep down in my soul I knew it was something I had to do, I still doubted myself every step of the way and it completely ripped me apart. I cried many tears and my heart broke for both of us. I think this is one of those things that you assume is very black and white until you’re in it. This shit is really hard and is accompanied by a very specific kind of grief.

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Woody Guthrie, Cherokee Bill and Bass Reeves
Grave Hunting, History, Personal Rebecca Tillett Grave Hunting, History, Personal Rebecca Tillett

Woody Guthrie, Cherokee Bill and Bass Reeves

First stop: Highland Cemetery in Okemah, OK to see the cenotaph for Woody Guthrie (1912-1967) (Fun fact: his full name was Woodrow Wilson Guthrie!) as well as the graves of his loved ones. We also went looking for his childhood home before realizing it was torn down in the ‘70s due to the demands of some very vocal locals who were whining that it had become a hangout for teenage hoodlums (when really it was likely they just didn’t believe that “commie” deserved any kind of legacy).

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25 Years Ago
Personal, End of Life Doula Rebecca Tillett Personal, End of Life Doula Rebecca Tillett

25 Years Ago

25 years ago I was angry with my dad and ignored him completely before going to bed. No goodnight, no see you tomorrow. Nothing.

Early the next morning I would be shaken awake by my mom as she said the most surreal words I’ve ever heard:
Your dad is dead. Get up. Your dad is dead.

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Death and Feather Plucking
greeting cards, Personal Rebecca Tillett greeting cards, Personal Rebecca Tillett

Death and Feather Plucking

I applied for a scholarship for an end-of-life doula training last month. I was hopeful. Learned yesterday I didn’t get it. I let myself cry and feel deeply sad about it for a while. Self-indulgent but cathartic. When I have the money, I don’t have the time and vice versa. Standard unfair life shit. And then an actual angel in my life appeared and insisted on covering the cost for me. I kindly declined. They insisted. I agreed only on the terms that I either pay them back or pay it forward when I can. They opted for the latter. Many more tears of course. I have had some low, depleted, hopeless days lately. Unsettled in the unknown. This offer was like a hand reaching down toward me, grasping my own.

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Pretty Boy Floyd
Grave Hunting, Personal, History Rebecca Tillett Grave Hunting, Personal, History Rebecca Tillett

Pretty Boy Floyd

“Charles Arthur Floyd (February 3, 1904 – October 22, 1934), nicknamed Pretty Boy Floyd, was an American bank robber. He operated in the West and Central states, and his criminal exploits gained widespread press coverage in the 1930s. He was seen positively by the public because it was believed that during robberies he burned mortgage documents, freeing many people from their debts. He was pursued and killed by a group of Bureau of Investigation (BOI, later renamed to FBI) agents led by Melvin Purvis.”

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