Sublime Déshabillé

Sublime Déshabillé

And in her sublime déshabillé, the soft pillow of her body bathed in light while her head swam in the dunce cap’s darkness ravaged by dancing merciless fire and choking smoke.

He had set fire to what was not needed
Or wanted.
By him.

He would rejoice in her scorched vision, her taste, her smell, her hearing.

He would be aroused by her shame.

He would be satisfied by her silence.

He would be euphoric by her subjugation.

;By her subdued defiance.

But he would also be confounded by her new iridescent skin and her serpent’s tongue where her old soft benign tongue had once been.

By her spectral transformation and rebirth.

By her menacing and unnerving gaze.

She came to this world a delicate bird.
But he made her a snake.

And then she swallowed him whole.

Sublime Déshabillé is a digital photo-based collage created with human hands utilizing these historical sources:

Nude Before a Mirror by Bruno Braquehais. Photograph. 1857

Commodore Nutt by Mathew Brady. Photograph. 1862


The Trouvelot Astronomical Drawings