The human + animal bond
Greeting Cards, Personal Rebecca Tillett Greeting Cards, Personal Rebecca Tillett

The human + animal bond

The day after Christmas of 2017 I had to put my kitty, Blue to sleep. He was in kidney failure and had gone downhill fast the week prior. A quick trip to my vet confirmed he was nearing the end and it was time. So I scheduled a vet to come to my place the day after Christmas the following week so he could pass in the comfort of his own home. I couldn’t get through that call without bawling.

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25 Years Ago
Personal, End of Life Doula Rebecca Tillett Personal, End of Life Doula Rebecca Tillett

25 Years Ago

25 years ago I was angry with my dad and ignored him completely before going to bed. No goodnight, no see you tomorrow. Nothing.

Early the next morning I would be shaken awake by my mom as she said the most surreal words I’ve ever heard:
Your dad is dead. Get up. Your dad is dead.

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Death and Feather Plucking
greeting cards, Personal Rebecca Tillett greeting cards, Personal Rebecca Tillett

Death and Feather Plucking

I applied for a scholarship for an end-of-life doula training last month. I was hopeful. Learned yesterday I didn’t get it. I let myself cry and feel deeply sad about it for a while. Self-indulgent but cathartic. When I have the money, I don’t have the time and vice versa. Standard unfair life shit. And then an actual angel in my life appeared and insisted on covering the cost for me. I kindly declined. They insisted. I agreed only on the terms that I either pay them back or pay it forward when I can. They opted for the latter. Many more tears of course. I have had some low, depleted, hopeless days lately. Unsettled in the unknown. This offer was like a hand reaching down toward me, grasping my own.

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Who were you—
Rebecca Tillett Rebecca Tillett

Who were you—

My dad was the first to break mine. I was 16 when he took his own own life in our home while I slept.

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Memento Mori

Memento Mori

About 15 years ago I stumbled into an antique store in Colorado Springs, & they had just acquired many new items from a local estate sale. I made a bee line for a stack of old photos I saw. They were really old portraits from a studio in Denver. They’re all signed by the person in the photo. I can only guess that the photographer made it a habit of keeping a copy of all of the photos be shot. I had no idea what I was going to do with them, but I loved them so I bought them.

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